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System Cleaner v5.70 |
Programs » Operating Systems |
System Cleaner™ is a tool for restoring hard-drive space, cleaning up the history of your activities on your computer and keeping your system running like new. The program allows you to clean your drives from unnecessary and temporary files, including your browser cache, cookies, history,recent document list, temporary files, errant uninstall entries and more. It targets more than 100 file extensions, which enable it to scan and recognize most of the unnecessary files on your computer. You can choose to delete the files to the recycle bin or to a specified backup folder. In addition,System Cleaner includes a Windows Startup manager and also allows you to remove invalid uninstaller information from the registry as well as a restore wizard to undo the changes if needed.
NodLogin 9.9 Beta |
Programs |
New version of NodLogin (32 and 64 Bit)
NodLogin load and insert valid keys for all ESET products.
Compatible with all products including the new ESET 4 (NOD32 2.7, NOD32 3.0, ESS 3.0, NOD32 4, ESS 4,
Ableton Live v7.0.14 |
Programs |
Ableton Live 7 is your companion during every stage of the musical process, from creation to production to performance.
Live offers two main views—the Session View and the Arrangement View—that interact in a powerful and unique way, allowing you to create, produce and perform your music all in a single application. Here is the principle behind each view:
Session View
Live's unique Session View acts as a powerful musical sketch and launch pad, allowing you to try out new ideas easily and improvise freely. Each cell in the Session View grid can hold a recording, MIDI file, or any other musical idea. These ideas can be recorded on the fly or dragged in from the Browser and played in any order and at any time you wish.
Arrangement View
The Arrangement View offers a timeline-based approach for traditional multitrack recording, MIDI sequencing and other music production tasks. You can even improvise in the Session View, and all of your actions will be recorded into the Arrangement View, where they can be edited whenever you like
BinarySense HDDLife Pro v3.1.157 |
Programs |
HDDlife Pro - it is very easy to use program that allows you to monitor the health and performance of your hard drive. Just run the program - and it will show a list of your disks, indicating their state of health, temperature and lifetime. HDDlife Pro can be run in the background, regularly monitoring disks. The program provides detailed information about the hard disk SMART parameters, adds support for external USB hard drives for containers, appeared indication read / write to disk, inserted hard disk power consumption management.
Modern hard drives are much more reliable than the disks of yesterday. However, they still are extremely complex electronic devices with moving parts that are subject to amortization. The high density of data storage provided by the modern disks allows for greater storage capacities and higher access speeds. However, with densities and capacities pushed to the extreme you have much more to lose should the drive fail. The hard drive is the most important component in your entire PC because it holds all that is of real value: your documents, digital pictures, email messages, your work and private data.
Windows Vista Ultimate 32Bit 80M |
Programs |
VETEM 80MB! Kur bëhet e nxjerrë shumë më i madh 2.44GB
Udhëzimet përfshirë - ajo merr vetëm 10Min për të Extracet dhe punon 100%!!
Më shumë informacion është pak e vështirë për të dhënë, por kjo është në thelb Windows Vista 32 bit (Ultimate) në një paketë të vogël, ajo ka qenë e ngjeshur, që kështu të mund ta shkarkuar atë më të shpejtë në vend të pritjes për një moshave 3GB one! sapo nxjerra ndiqni udhëzimet i kanë dhënë dhe ju do të keni një plotësisht, updateable, funksionimin, Vista!
ONLY 80MB! When extracted it becomes much larger 2.44GB
Instructions included - it only takes 10Min to Extracet and works 100%!!
More info is a bit hard to give but it’s basically Windows Vista 32 bit (Ultimate) in a tiny package, it has been compressed so you can download it faster instead of waiting ages for a 3GB one! once extracted follow the instructions i have provided and you will have a fully, updateable, functioning, Vista!
Logmein Pro 2.30.511 |
Programs |
Përvoja fleksibilitet më të madh dhe produktivitetit!!!
Pro LogMeIn ju mundëson që të punojë për të hyrë në PC sigurt mbi web nga kudo me një lidhje të internetit - në shtëpi, në rrugë, në faqet e konsumatorëve ose me pushime. Puna si pse ju jeni të drejtë në frontin e kompjuterit tuaj.
Pothuaj qasje desktop kompjuterin tuaj, aplikimet, fotografi dhe rrjetit.
Print largët fotografi dhe forma të një printer lokal.
Leviz dosjet keni nevojë midis PC shpejt me fotografi dhe transferimin fotografi sinkronizoj
Experience greater flexibility and productivity !!!
LogMeIn Pro enables you to access work PCs securely over the web from anywhere with an Internet connection - at home, on the road, at customer sites or on vacation. Work as though you were right in front of your computer.
Virtually access your computer desktop, applications, files and network.
Print remote files and forms to a local printer.
Move the files you need between PCs quickly with file transfer and file sync